Posted By Diabetes TeleCare
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Today we’ll discuss a tasty and nutritious fruit that may be used as a dessert in the winter. Yes, you are correct if you selected “custard apple” commonly referred to as shareefa fruit.
You may be wondering whether eating custard apples during the winter—or any season—is healthy if you or a loved one has diabetes.
This article will examine the impact of eating shareefa fruit on your overall health if you have diabetes, as well as the nutritional value, glycaemic index, and safety of eating custard apples while you have the disease.
Nutritional Profile
Custard apples are abundant in nutrients and beneficial dietary fiber. In addition to being high in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron, they are also packed with vitamins C and A, making them an excellent source of antioxidants. Flavonoids and carotenoids are also abundant in them.
A 100-gram portion of a small custard apple has 25 grams of carbs and around 100 Kcal of calories. It contains only a tiny amount of fat, 1.7 grams of protein, 2.4 grams of dietary fiber, and no cholesterol. The following micronutrients are present in it:
- Potassium: 382 mg
- Calcium: 30 mg
- Vitamin C: 19.2 mg
- Magnesium: 18 mg
- Sodium: 3 mg
- Vitamin A: 33 IU
GI of custard apple
A custard apple has a glycaemic index, or GI score, of roughly 54, making it a good choice for diabetics. This indicates that, as long as you watch how much you eat, custard apples for diabetes are still a safe and healthy choice even though they are not very low on the GI chart.
Shareefa Fruit for Diabetes – What Does Science Say?
For diabetics, custard apples are a nutritious meal option. Fiber is abundant in these fruits. They aid in controlling blood sugar levels by delaying the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. In addition, they are minimal in calories and have a low glycemic index (GI). It indicates that they are less likely to result in blood sugar increases.
An excellent source of antioxidants is custard apple. Fruits, for instance, may help control blood sugar levels, according to a study. People with diabetes gain from it as a result. It is noteworthy nonetheless that additional study is required to validate these results. It also establishes the right dosage and course of treatment.
Custard apple leaf extracts significantly reduced blood sugar levels in diabetic rats, according to one animal study. These extracts also activated pancreatic cells, according to the study. Additionally, it causes diabetic rats to produce more insulin.
Custard apples contain annonacin, a substance that has anti-diabetic qualities. It helps people with type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar levels.
The potential health benefits of custard apples should not be overlooked. It would be beneficial, though, if you avoided using it as your only diabetic treatment. It would be preferable if you took your doctor’s prescribed medications and engaged in regular exercise.
Custard Apple Benefits for Diabetes
The following are some benefits of eating custard apples for diabetes:
- People with diabetes can safely eat custard apples because of their low glycemic index of 54. Its polyphenolic antioxidants increase the production of insulin and the absorption of glucose, which helps control blood sugar. Because of this, custard apples have a high glycemic load.
- A custard apple, which is high in dietary fiber, aids in digestion and prolongs feelings of fullness. By controlling blood sugar levels, this lowers the chance of developing diabetes. To avoid hunger pangs, custard apples are best eaten after breakfast or lunch.
- Custard apples support heart health, strengthen immunity, and enhance vision. Custard apples, which are high in potassium and magnesium, also maintain blood pressure. Custard apples are beneficial for diabetes because of all of these benefits.
Does Custard Apple Increase Blood Sugar?
When consumed in moderation, custard apples for diabetes throughout the winter months can be a healthy choice. Vitamin C is a micronutrient that is present in good amounts in custard apples.
In addition, custard apples have adequate quantities of iron, potassium, and magnesium, all of which can have a beneficial impact on the body’s production of insulin and, thus, improve blood sugar regulation.
Ways to Consume Custard Apples for Diabetes
- For a nutritious breakfast or snack, combine sliced custard apples with plain Greek yogurt and a dash of cinnamon.
- For an added nutritional boost, puree custard apples and incorporate them into porridge or smoothies.
- For a filling and nutritious dessert, combine chopped custard apples, berries, and nuts to make a fruit salad.
How many custard apples may a diabetic have in a day?
There is no suggested amount of food for diabetics. Your suggested calorie intake and your glycemic response will determine everything. You can discuss this with your dietitian or diabetes management team.
Risks of Overconsumption
- Eating too many custard apples might cause weight gain. Being overweight puts unnecessary strain on bones and essential organs and raises the risk of diabetes.
- Because fructose and glucose make up the majority of the fruit, eating too much of it might cause blood sugar levels to rise.
- It is advisable to speak with your doctor about the appropriate amount of fruit to eat because it may interfere with certain diabetic treatments.
- Don’t consume the custard apples, seeds, or peel. These contain harmful substances that can affect how the brain and nervous system work.
You can pick another fruit with a low glycemic index if you’re still afraid to eat custard apples. Great substitutes are avocados, berries, cherries, grapefruit, kiwis, apples, and kiwis.
Shareefa fruit has a high fiber content. It enhances insulin sensitivity and helps control blood sugar levels. They have a low glycemic index and very few calories.
This indicates that they do not result in sharp rises in blood sugar levels because they are absorbed gradually by the body. Custard apples also provide additional minerals and antioxidants. As a result, they might aid in preventing heart disease and nerve damage, two consequences of diabetes.
It is important to remember that diabetes cannot be prevented or cured by a single diet. Patients with diabetes must follow their doctor’s instructions about diet, exercise, and prescribed medicine to manage their condition.
For personalized care and deeper insights into managing diabetes, consider booking an appointment with our specialist. Your health deserves the best attention.
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