Bajra Khichdi is a nutritious, low-GI meal ideal for diabetics and health enthusiasts. Made with pearl millet, lentils, and vegetables,...
Looking for a flavorful and diabetes-friendly beverage? This Kashmiri tea recipe is a perfect choice! Made with green tea leaves,...
This low-sugar besan ladoo recipe is delicious and actually good for diabetics, too, provided you follow the correct portion control...
Dry fruit laddu is a delicious and nutritious snack packed with the goodness of almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, flaxseeds, and...
Looking for a guilt-free dessert? These almond flour brownies are the perfect low-carb, diabetic-friendly treat! Ready in just 50 minutes,...
This Diabetic-Friendly Egg Pudding recipe is a delicious, low-carb dessert perfect for those looking to satisfy their sweet tooth without...
Perfect for anyone looking for a light, nutrient-rich meal or base for soups, this vegetable broth recipe is packed with...
Imagine enjoying a classic, comforting dessert without the sugar spike—this diabetic-friendly Gajar Ka Halwa makes that possible! This recipe takes...
Servings: 2 wrapsPreparation Time: 15 minutesCooking Time: 20 minutes Are you ready to take your taste buds on a delightful...
Looking for a quick, diabetes-friendly breakfast or snack that’s as tasty as it is nutritious? This chia seed pudding checks...
Who says you can’t indulge in a comforting cup of hot chocolate when you’re watching your blood sugar? Our diabetes-friendly...
Perfect for a snack, post-workout boost, or extended breakfast, this diabetes-friendly crunchy granola bar recipe brings sweetness without the extra...
When it comes to healthy eating, sometimes simple ingredients can create a satisfying and nutritious dish. This Vegetable and Lentil...
If you’re looking for a healthy, delicious dip that’s easy to make and packed with nutrients, this homemade hummus recipe...
This light and refreshing salad is perfect for anyone looking for a healthy, delicious meal that's easy to prepare. It's...
If you're in the mood for a vibrant and filling meal, this mixed bean salad recipe is the perfect option....
Are you looking for a light, refreshing side dish that complements almost any meal? This Mixed Vegetable Raita Recipe might...
This Simple Cabbage and Carrot Salad is a refreshing, low-calorie dish that's perfect as a side or a light meal....
This simple yet nutritious chickpea salad recipe is a great option for a light lunch or as a side dish....
To prepare a single lauki recipe for roti, follow these steps with adjusted ingredients: Ingredients for 1 Roti: ¼ cup...
Ingredients: 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup split yellow moong dal (lentils) 1 small onion (chopped finely) 1 small tomato...
Ingredients: 1 cup rolled oats 1 ripe banana, mashed 2 eggs 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)...
Ingredients: 1 cup spinach: 1g carbs, 7 calories 1/2 medium avocado: 6g carbs, 120 calories 1/4 cup cucumber: 1.5g carbs,...
Ingredients: 1/2 cup mixed berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries) - approximately 10g carbs, 40 calories 1/2 cup unsweetened...
Ingredients: Peel off 1 ripe peach - approximately 15 Grams carbs, 60 calories Add 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk -...
Ingredients: Two cups plain Greek yogurt (not sweet) A quarter cup of sweetener without sugar like erythritol or stevia), or...
Preparation Time 10 minutes Ingredients: 4 slices of whole-grain or low-carb breads 1 cups unsweetened almond milk or low-fat milks...
Just 2 Ingredients Anjeer Pudding Preparation: 15 minutes | Chill Time: 4 hours Ingredients: 1 glass dried anjeer (about 4-6...